VIDEO: Working with Your Opposite

Finding a good working relationship with people different from you is good advice.

It’s not always easy finding opposites to work with. Here are three attributes to look for when seeking opposite types for your team:

  • Curiosity. Curiosity is the stimulus that drives people to ask questions that begin with the word “Why?” These are types who question assumptions.
  • Capacity. People who are hungry for challenges are those that have a capacity to work hard. You want people who will put themselves into their work.
  • Cooperation. All of us have different likes and dislikes. That’s what makes us uniquely the people we are. That’s good. What is not so good is the feeling that we must do things our way all of the time.

By putting mission first, the savvy executive ensures that individual differences are channeled to improve probabilities of success.

First published at Smart Briefs on 9/18/15