Ask Yourself Questions So the Whole Team Learns(HBR)

One of the exercises I put myself through before promoting a new book is to interview myself about what I have written. No, I am not delusional to the point of self-flattery. My wife makes sure of that.

The point of the self-interview is to look at your work from a different point of view. This process is not simply for authors but for anyone in a leadership position who is working on a project that will have impact on the organization. And if the self interview is done as the project develops (as opposed to being finished like a book) you can make changes as you progress.

As a creator, you are thinking about what you are developing. As a leader you must focus on the end result, that is, the effect it is having on others. For example, if you are in product development, the process is important, but what matters is how customers react to your product. How it makes them feel when using it. Same goes for someone in IT. You must have discipline in your network planning but users care about what your system can do for them in terms of managing the business.

Interviewing yourself is not as easy as it may sound. You want to avoid questions about action steps; that is narrative (good for stories but not for analysis). You want to focus on process and outcome. Stepping back and assuming the distance of someone else is good discipline. Here are three questions to ask:

Why are we doing this project? This question provokes a reiteration of purpose and mission. What you are doing and why? Most projects begin with such statements but so often the statement gets diluted due to distraction or misdirection. Reaffirming the mission is important.

What do we want our end-users to say about our outcome? Marketers use this question to prod developer to focus on what customers need and want rather than what developers want to produce. Sometimes there are reasons for deviation. New applications, new technologies and new competitors may alter original intentions. Nothing wrong with that as long as you are aware of them and adjust the project (and its mission) accordingly.

What are we learning? Project teams often employ existing best practices at the outset, but as the project develops you learn more about the team’s capabilities as well as available resources. By asking this question you can apply what you have more tactically, as well as strategically. Consider the obstacles you have overcome; they may lead you to avoid similar setbacks as you progress.

The self-interview can be expanded to include your team. Try the exercise yourself and then ask your team do the same, either individually or collectively. You can compare answers. Then, to borrow the “feed forward concept” pioneered by my friend, Marshall Goldsmith, you can use the self-interview questions to ensure that you are holding to the project intentions, milestones and budget.

Leaders who subject their work (or even themselves) to self interviews are those who are willing to face up to shortcomings. Better to face them as the project unfolds than when it is complete.

When you ask questions as you go along, you are seeking to influence your outcomes more directly. You may come to greater understanding of customer needs and make adjustments. Or very often you learn more about the capabilities and competencies of your team and can utilize their services more effectively. Such awareness may not only lead to better outcomes, but also better use of people and resources.

First posted on 3.21.2009