VIDEO: Vision, Mission and Values

Sometimes we can be too clever and in the process lose sight of what it is we are trying to achieve.

Such is the case with vision, mission and values statements. Every organization needs to have them, but in trying to craft them, we sometimes overshoot the mark and end up writing something that sounds to good to be true.

Toward that end, here are three ways to define them.

  • Vision is where you want to go. Vision is an act of becoming. It is intended to be aspirational.
  • Mission is what you do to get there. Mission is the work that your organization performs.
  • Values are what hold you together. Your values are your belief system. They define organizational purpose as well as individual conduct.

Vision. Mission. Values. Three words that can help keep people focused on what needs doing as well as mindful of how they do it.

First posted on Smart Brief on 7.8.2016