VIDEO: Meditating for Success

Mental preparation is critical to success.

Too often, the temptation is to prepare externally for a challenge while ignoring internal preparation. That is, executives go to great lengths in doing the work — doing research and marshaling resources — that they ignore their own mental state.

When adversity strikes you are at a disadvantage because you have not strengthened your inner self. You may buckle at the first sign of resistance.

One way to prepare is through the practice of mindfulness, which is the state of being fully present in the moment. You are aware of self and situation as well as what you can do or not do.

Meditation is one method for learning to become more mindful but not the only way. What is required for mindfulness is learning to take stock of yourself regularly as a means of gaining perspective on your performance and your interactions with others.

First posted on Smart Brief on 5.13.2016