Avoid Burnout by Focusing on Your Team (HBR)

Not being able to enjoy what you have accomplished is a symptom of burnout and it can be fatal to your career. But you are good at what you do, it can be hard to delegate.

For truly success-driven executives, there may never be a cure for the relentless pursuit of perfection. But for those who are willing to take a moment to reflect on what they might do differently, there is a cure: Shift your focus from your own success to your team’s success. Here’s how.

Lead, don’t manage. Management is a discipline that must buttress every successful organization; things must be accomplished with people, resources, schedules and budgets. At the same time, the top person must not be involved in all these details. He or she must lead, but empower others to manage.

Enable others. Successful people are good at what they do; that is why they have a tough time handing off to others. Type A managers never let up; they revel in micro-management. Sadly, they drive good people away — and as a result, they must do more and more. But savvy leaders learn break this cycle. Step back and let others manage not just the details, but also the decisions.

Take joy in others’ success. Achieving personal success lies at the heart of ambition. But for a leader, personal success isn’t really possible unless the whole team wins. When your team achieves an important goal, celebrate! Take personal satisfaction from seeing the people you have recruited and groomed succeed. Such personal satisfaction is important to keep your team feeling appreciated, but also to enrich your own life.

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First posted on HBR.org 11/10/2010